

氏名 須永 美歌子
氏名(カナ) スナガ ミカコ
氏名(英語) SUNAGA Mikako


Repeated Cessation and Resumption of Resistance Training Attenuates Increases in Arterial Stiffness(査読付)






Int J Sports Med 36(6) 440-445


Although high-intensity resistance training (RT) increases arterial stiffness, removing weightlifting stimuli returns arterial stiffness to baseline levels within relatively short periods during 4-8 weeks. This study investigates the effects of repeated RT cessation and resumption on arterial stiffness. Eighteen young healthy subjects were randomly assigned to a group that performed continuous RT (CRT, n=9) and a group that performed periodic RT (PRT, n=9). Both groups performed RT at 75% of one repetition maximum for 3 days per week. The CRT group continuously trained for 16 weeks, whereas the PRT group performed 3 cycles of 4 weeks training, with 2 weeks detraining intervals between cycles. The carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity in the CRT group significantly increased (P<0.05) at 4, 6, 10, 12, 16 and 20 weeks from baseline, whereas in the PRT group it significantly increased (P<0.05) after 4, 10 and 16 weeks from baseline, and was significantly lower (P<0.05) than that of the CRT group after 6, 10, 12, 16 and 20 weeks. Muscle mass and strength in the both groups significantly increased after 16 weeks from baseline and persisted for 20 weeks (P<0.05). These results suggest that PRT, including short-term repeated cessation and resumption, attenuates increases in arterial stiffness.


Okamoto T, Sakamaki MS, Min SK, Yoshida S, Watanabe Y, Ogasawara R.

