

氏名 田村 優樹
氏名(カナ) タムラ ユウキ
氏名(英語) TAMURA Yuki


Electrically stimulated contractile activity-induced transcriptomic responses and metabolic remodeling in C2C12 myotubes: twitch vs. tetanic contractions






American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology


The contraction of myotubes using electrical pulse stimulation is a research tool used to mimic muscle contractile activity and exercise in rodents and humans. Most protocols employed in previous work used low-frequency twitch contractions. However, high-frequency tetanus contractions that are more physiologically relevant to muscle contractions in vivo are poorly characterized. In this report, the similarities and differences in acute responses and chronic adaptations with different contractile modes using twitches (2 Hz, continuous, 3 h) and tetanus (66 Hz, on: 5 s/off: 5 s, 3 h) were investigated. RNA-seq-based transcriptome analysis and subsequent bioinformatics analysis suggest that tetanus may promote bioenergetic remodeling rather than twitch. Based on in silico analyses, metabolic remodeling after three contractile sessions of twitch and tetanus were investigated. Although twitch and tetanus had no significant effect on glycolysis, both types of contraction upregulated glucose oxidation capacity. Both twitch and tetanus qualitatively caused mitochondrial adaptations (increased content, respiratory chain enzyme activity and respiratory function). The magnitude of adaptation was much greater under tetanus conditions. Our findings indicate that the contraction of myotubes by tetanus may be a useful experimental model, especially when studying metabolic adaptations in C2C12 myotubes.


Yuki Tamura, Karina Kouzaki, Takaya Kotani, Koichi Nakazato


in press (https://journals.physiology.org/doi/abs/10.1152/ajpcell.00494.2019)