

氏名 津山 薫
氏名(カナ) ツヤマ カオル
氏名(英語) TSUYAMA Kaoru


Gender and Age Differences in Toe Muscle Strength in Childhood and the Relationship between Toe Muscle Strength and Basic Motor Skills(査読付)






American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine


本研究では、足趾筋力と基礎運動能力との関係および足趾筋力の性差と加齢変化について検討した。対象は小学校に通う6~10歳の児童288人であった。測定項目は足趾筋力、50m走、立ち幅跳びとした。結果をみると、足趾筋力は6、7歳に比べて8歳で有意に大きかった。また9~10歳の足趾筋力は8歳よりも有意に大きい値を示した。加えて足趾筋力の男女差をみると、有意な男女差はみられなかった。さらに足趾筋力と50m走、足趾筋力と立ち幅跳びとの間に有意な相関関係が認められた。以上より、6~10歳における足趾筋力の加齢変化が示され、足趾筋力は基礎運動能力と関係のあることが分かった。In this study, we examined gender differences and age-related changes in toe muscle strength in childhood as well as the relationship between toe muscle strength and basic motor skills. The subjects included 288 children aged between 6 and 10 years who were enrolled in elementary school. Measurements were conducted for toe muscle strength, long-distance throw, 50 m running time, and standing long jump distance. Although toe muscle strength was significantly greater in 8-year-olds when compared with 6- and 7-year-olds and in 9- and 10-year-olds when compared with 8-year-olds, there was no significant difference between boys and girls. A significant correlation was observed between toe muscle strength and each of long-distance throw, 50 m running time, and standing long jump distance. Furthermore, a significant partial correlation was observed between toe muscle strength and each of long-distance throw and standing long jump distance for both boys and girls, while a significant partial correlation was observed between toe muscle strength and 50 m running time in girls only-excluding the influence of age. The results indicate that toe muscle strength tends to develop with age, but there are no gender differences. Results also suggested that toe muscle strength is significantly related to basic motor skills.


Sakiko UKITA and Kaoru TSUYAMA.


2017; 5(3):48-52.